Urban Alliance Public Speaking Challenge

On July 26, five Giving Together members served as volunteer judges for the Urban Alliance Public Speaking Challenge. UA places DC teens in paid, year-long internships with local employers. The Challenge, held at the World Bank, is UA’s annual graduation exercise for the interns.
The Challenge requires each intern to present an original PowerPoint program to a team of judges. The presentations include information on the intern’s employer, the mentors who helped them progress on the job, and the benefits of UA’s auxiliary workshops. The judges critique each presentation according to organization, visual appearance and the presenter’s speaking ability. Pictured here are this year’s GT volunteers with UA Director Nathan Cole: (l-r) Mary Beth Richards, Karen Gilgoff, Ellen Yahuda, Joanie Edwards and Christine Kessides. All agreed that the interns showed considerable talent and ability. Most are headed for college or vocational training this fall.
Urban Alliance was a 2013 Giving Together grantee. Our funds paid for the lap-top computers and projectors used in the Public Speaking Challenge.